Selasa, 27 April 2021



NetVRk je društvena platforma za virtualnu stvarnost na blockchainu

Virtualna stvarnost je znak aktualnosti tijekom vremena provedenog u transformaciji u reformistički i neobičan razvoj u susjedstvu na visokoj razini. Kupci trenutno imaju metodologiju novo iskustvo istraživanja virtualnih svemira. Sve što trebaju su slušalice. Virtualna stvarnost insinuirana je kao virtualna s obzirom na način na koji se ona sada isporučuje pomoću računarskih računanja i na taj način nije istinita. Na sličan bismo se način trebali pozvati na to da se provjerljiva postavka VR-a vraća na različite godine, jer mnogi priznaju da su početna razdoblja VR-a započela načelnom stereoskopskom izmišljotinom koju je 1838. godine zamislio Charles Wheatstone.


Sadašnji otvoreno otvoreni VR-ovi rade s krajnjim ciljem koji sliči računalnim igrama koje koriste zaslon. Bez obzira na to, umjesto igranja igre na ekranu, ona se u međuvremenu igra na dva mala zaslona unutar nosivih slušalica. Kako bi se kupcu omogućilo da jasno vidi sliku na zaslonima, koji su vjerojatno vjerojatno udaljeni samo jedan centimetar, između zaslona i zaslona prikazana su dva ili tri središnja fokusa


oči. Ti središnji fokusi, umjesto da pojačavaju sliku poput optike, doista je čine udaljenijom, na primjer, gledajući kroz optiku s neke nedopustive strane. Ovo daleko ljuljanje dozvoljava slikama s ekrana da izgledaju poput nečega što doista vidimo, krivo usmjeravajući psihu i postižući učinak zamjene autentičnog s virtualnim.


Izdanje VR S tolikim potencijalom, što sprječava VR da postane standardni?

Nedostatak značajne tvari Ograničeni udio značajne tvari unutar VR okoliša. Nedostatak svih uokolo napravljenih aranžmanskih instrumenata.
Problemi s prijavom Ograničavajući preduvjeti i složeni uvjeti za tipičnog kupca do mjere stvaranja tvari. Pretjerani trošak za stvaranje aplikacija.
Odsutnost mogućnosti unovčavanja Neprisustvovanje očekivanim načinima postupanja s prilagodbenim praksama unutar VR-a ili za podržavanje standardnih organizacija unutar posla.


Društveni VR stadij s zapanjujućim instrumentima i sustavom za jednostavno stvaranje, nuđenje, znanje i prilagodbu VR-a. VR App Store omogućuje izradu aplikacija i njihovo iskustvo s drugima.


Neograničen udio zapanjujuće supstance Neizmeran broj zapanjujućih, potpuno mudrih VR svemira. Nudimo novo i zamorno zanimanje za VR s brzim poboljšanjem kupca.

Korisnici na svim razinama mogu stvoriti VR svemire / aplikacije Bez posebnih podataka, kupci mogu učiniti uvjerljivi VR sadržaj poslovnim ili blaženim, koristeći izvrsnog NetVRk-ovog redatelja i multipragmatične instrumente.

Unovčavanje i nagrade za pomoć Svi korisnici VR-a dobit će. Sa svim VR-om pod jednim krovom, udruge će doista morati podržati različite strategije transformacije.


NetVRk omogućuje kupcima izradu, dijeljenje i prilagođavanje izgleda koristeći karakteristike u administratoru igre, pobijajući potrebu za bilo kakvim kapacitetima kodiranja ili izvrsnim podacima. Sposobnost unosa sredstava u igre, koja bi tada imala mogućnost koraka kao NFT-ovi, postaje jednako jasna kao i korištenje obrađenog sučelja.


Pretvoriti se u prateće napredovanje weba nudeći svijetu način na koji se može nositi s pojesti i stvoriti jasna iskustva, prilagođavajući i dijeleći supstancu koja će postići da neprestano postaje virtualni metaverzum.


Vjerojatno ćemo stvoriti nov i tobože zanimljiv svijet, pogodan za istraživanje, naseljavanje i šokantno preoblikovanje kako bi se dogovorio sa svim potrebama kupaca. Kupci NetVRk-a doista će trebati koristiti svoje svemire u individualne i glavne svrhe, istodobno uzimajući naboj iz prirodnog okvira temeljenog na blockchainu koji im daje uređaje za prilagođavanje njihovih čimbenika VR okoliša u osiguranoj ekonomiji.



IMOVINU NETVRK tokena možete koristiti za kupnju imovine unutar svijeta virtualne stvarnosti u kojoj se nalazite. Imovina može uključivati zgrade, vozila, kuće i mnoge druge koji se mogu naći na tržištu NETVRK.


Kao i u izvanmrežnom svijetu, zemlja je i nešto vrijedna roba u svijetu VR-a u NETVRK-u. Token se može koristiti za kupnju zemljišta na ovim glavnim žarištima nekretnina okrenuta prema plaži ili točno ispred grada.


OGLASNI PROSTOR NETVRK tokeni mogu se koristiti za kupnju oglasnog prostora, mogu se koristiti za generiranje pasivnog prihoda, pa tako i prodati drugim stranama radi zdrave dobiti.


tokene također se mogu koristiti za generiranje nefungibilnih tokena (NFT), još jedan način za ostvarivanje dodatnog prihoda.


Još jedan način za ostvarivanje pasivnog dohotka s NETVRK tokenima može se ostvariti ulaganjem, koje plaća fiksni postotak dobiti stakera na temelju ulaganja njihovih tokena u mrežu.

Ovaj je članak namijenjen samo općim informativnim svrhama i ne predstavlja poziv ili ponudu za kupnju ili prodaju NETVRK-a.
To ne predstavlja odobravanje profesionalnih investicijskih savjeta, preporuka ili neovisnih analiza i ne bi se trebalo tumačiti kao predanost postizanju ovdje navedenih ciljeva, odnosno ciljeva osoblja. mijenjati se s vremena na vrijeme prema nahođenju NETVRK TEAM-a. stoga podaci sadržani u ovom članku nisu pripremljeni u skladu s odgovarajućim upravnim pravilima i propisima poput objavljivanja u raznim jurisdikcijama.

Za više informacija o NETVRK kliknite vezu u nastavku:

Web stranica:



Korisničko ime foruma: Sahila Hisyam
ERC-20 NOVČANIK: 0x28bc805c1f8C7eC525f839c1c450CD7fDC0eb9ba



What’s The Vision For ApeSwap.Finance? 

So you wanna know, what is ApeSwap all about?

We have 3 foundational pillars that capture the essence of ApeSwap:

Community — We are DeFi Apes, and we have to look out for each other. A robust, vibrant, and happy community is the #1 priority for keeping ApeSwap thriving. We joke about monkeys and bananas, but at the end of the day, our community is top of mind.
$BANANA Utility — Our dev apes will continue working furiously to implement new features to get the most use out of your $BANANA! We understand the importance of creating utility, holding patterns, and demand for our dear Apes �
Collaborations —We understand the importance of working with other #BSC projects in the space. We are actively looking and discussing with projects across the space to land mutually beneficial partnerships (hit us up if you’re interested)!


That’s Great! But What does it Mean?

Tangibly, here’s what that means for next steps on ApeSwap.

Over the next month, this is our to-do list to accomplish the vision we shared above.

Add 5 new farms & pairs �
At least 1 new pool with a partnered token �
Implement a $BANANA lottery �
Improve our charting functionality �
Differentiated marketing (organic and inorganic) �
Many, many burns �
Meme contests and community engagement �
Run a community-driven design competition �‍�
Growing our team a bit ❤️
We look forward to continually delivering on all of this for you cute little monkeys. We’re in this for the long run!


Business Partnerships

Farms and Pools

Farms incentivize users to provide liquidity for your trading pair by distributing BANANA to your pair's LP Token holders.

Pools are a way of distributing your tokens to BSC users who stake BANANA in the pool.

These two products go hand-in-hand on ApeSwap: when a project provides their tokens for a Pool, we'll also consider creating a Farm. If you're looking to distribute tokens and incentivize liquidity, get in touch.

Apply to run a Pool


IAOs (Token Sales)

"IAO" (Initial Ape Offering) is the model of token sale employed by ApeSwap. Here's how it works, in short:

  • Users buy your token with BANANA-BNB LP tokens

  • After the sale, we distribute the BNB to you and burn the BANANA.

Learn more about how IAOs work here.

Apply to run an IAO


Listing on the Exchange

How can I list my token on the exchange?

Anybody can "list" any BEP-20 network token on ApeSwap. You don't need to contact us or ask permission. You just need to add liquidity to a liquidity pool - that's it. Traders can then trade your token by entering your token's contract address.

How can I add my token to the default list?

You need to either: Have gone through the BUIDL program, launched a Pool, or launched an IAO in order to be added to the list. See above.

We don't accept requests to add tokens to the approved list at this time.

How can I add my token's logo/icon on the Info page?

ApeSwap's exchange references Trust Wallet's excellent assets collection for icons. Please add your icon here:


Something else?

You can feel free to message us on Telegram, @DKdonkiekong or @jujuzeking if the above parts don't cover your questions. If you need help with customer support, please go through our Telegram or Reddit communities.


Banana Stats
$ 20,326,411
$ 41,022,989


Symbol: $ BANANA

Token Name: Banana Token

ApeSwap started with 5 starter farms:







Contract Details

BananaToken: 0x603c7f932ED1fc6575303D8Fb018fDCBb0f39a95

MasterApe: 0x5c8D727b265DBAfaba67E050f2f739cAeEB4A6F9

SupportApe: 0x54aff400858Dcac39797a81894D9920f16972D1D

BananaSplitBar: 0x86Ef5e73EDB2Fea111909Fe35aFcC564572AcC06

MultiCall: 0xc7Ad54Ff5C04A6E39D8C874A021aB0E42C45dE81

Timelock: 0x2F07969090a2E9247C761747EA2358E5bB033460

ApeFactory: 0x0841BD0B734E4F5853f0dD8d7Ea041c241fb0Da6

ApeRouter: 0xC0788A3aD43d79aa53B09c2EaCc313A787d1d607



Other Team Members

Ape Guru: Half-Monkey, Half-Machine

Apetastic: A True “Code Monkey”

Harambe Nakamoto: Never Forget.

Donkey Kong: The Spark Plug

Obie Dobo: The Zoo Keeper


Social Media & Resources

ApeSwapFinance App:




Telegram Price:



Apeswap Analytics :


Main Group:


Telegram Price:

Non Fungible Apes:

Spanish Group:



Bitcointalk Username: Sahila Hisyam

Bitcointalk Profile:;u=2851004

Telegram Username: @SahilaHisyam

BSC Address: 0x28bc805c1f8C7eC525f839c1c450CD7fDC0eb9ba

CHARITAS- Commitment to Transparency and Protocols in its Development

CHARITAS- Commitment to Transparency and Protocols in its Development


Token Charitas adalah token tata kelola yang akan digunakan di Ekosistem komunitas, Pengguna yang memegang token Charitas dapat berpartisipasi dalam proposal dan keputusan komunitas, dan menerima dividen berkelanjutan. Token charitas dibuat dengan token dengan token sederhana: hadiah statis, donasi amal, LP otomatis, dan pembakaran token. Berinvestasi dalam protokol Charitas memungkinkan pemegang untuk mengatur platform donasi kami yang akan datang. Protokol Charitas dirancang dengan tujuan dunia nyata untuk memastikan umur panjang dan pertumbuhan protokol dan token charitas juga dibuat untuk memberikan alternatif yang layak untuk sistem moneter terpusat saat ini. Ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk mentransfer uang tanpa perlu perantara (bank dan pemroses pembayaran),


Teknologi Binance Smart Chain (BSC) saat ini menjadi trending di dunia, meskipun teknologi Blockchain selalu dikaitkan dengan Bitcoin, teknologi ini memiliki banyak aplikasi di kehidupan nyata. Di antara banyak aplikasinya, muncul pendekatan yang tidak menguntungkan dan lebih praktis untuk mengumpulkan uang bagi mereka yang membutuhkan CHAR COIN


Organisasi dana Charitas mendorong para donor untuk memberikan amal di mana mereka dapat yakin bahwa sumbangan mereka akan digunakan dengan benar. Charitas Coin melakukan ini dengan memanfaatkan Blockchain untuk mencapai transparansi dalam donasinya. Platform Koin Charitas bermaksud untuk memainkan peran utama sebagai platform pilihan untuk amal. Di platform, donasi dapat dilakukan melalui Binance Smart Chain.


Karena itu: Rasa peduli, rasa cinta dialami karena Anda melihat dana Charitas telah digunakan untuk kemajuan orang tua dan investasi masa depan, menuju kebebasan finansial anak-anak kita. Secara khusus, CHAR Coin adalah organisasi amal nirlaba yang bertujuan untuk menyatukan individu, dana dan Charitas kemanusiaan dan kelompok yang bermaksud baik dari seluruh dunia bersama-sama dengan tujuan tunggal melakukan tindakan amal, sehingga membuat mereka tersenyum. sedang membutuhkan. Ini dilakukan dengan menanamkan transparansi, kepercayaan, dan keterlacakan di platform.


Para donor yakin bahwa dana mereka digunakan untuk tujuan yang dimaksudkan. Penggunaan mata uang Crypto memungkinkan kita menerima donasi dari berbagai belahan dunia serta donasi dalam berbagai denominasi cryptocurrency atau alt-coin (koin alternatif). Teknologi Binance Smart Chain akan ditampilkan secara real time di platform. Peristiwa tak terduga yang terjadi dari waktu ke waktu yang tiba-tiba membuat para korban membutuhkan pertolongan. Sifat manusiawi kita menuntut kita untuk memberi bantuan atau menerima bantuan dalam keadaan seperti itu.


Protokol Charitas adalah platform berbasis token kriptografi global pertama yang menerima donasi amal dan inisiatif penghargaan oleh komunitas. Platform protokol charitas terdiri dari berbagai produk DeFi yang dapat memberikan manfaat maksimal bagi pengguna. Dapat dilihat dengan cara yang menarik di akhir tahun. Mereka telah memasukkan semua gambar mereka, keluar, tahu dan memasukkan sebagian besar ide mereka sebagai ide yang luar biasa, setelah proyek yang luar biasa. Investor harus memberikan perhatian khusus dan mendukung proyek tersebut. Proyek ini menonjol dari yang lain karena realisme dan kualitas tim yang luar biasa, yang berfokus pada pencapaian hasil nyata.


tentang CHARITAS klik link di bawah ini










Nama pengguna Bitcointalk: Sahila Hisyam

Profil BTT:;u=2851004

DOMPET BEP20: 0x28bc805c1f8C7eC525f839c1c450CD7fDC0eb9ba



METEORITE FINANCE is a "Hold-to-farm" Defi protocol that rewards each holder with a proportion of the cost of each transaction made in its ecosystem. Meteorite finance, has just released its first product, Meteorbet. meteorbet is the first cryptocurrency sports betting platform to support meteorite betting on major sporting events and has a chance to win a number of meteorite tokens.


on every transaction made in the ecosystem, a 1% fee is charged and distributed to token holders.


Every product built under the network will support using $ Meteor, thus creating more use cases for tokens.

meteorbet is a sports betting platform for decentralized finance that allows $ Meteor wagers on major sporting events andhas a chance to win a number of meteorite tokens.


The global sports betting industry reaches a market size of 203 billion US dollars in 2020.In this industry, there are around 197 thousand employees with a total of nearly 31 thousand businesses. The market is also poised to grow due to the increasing popularity of international sporting events around the world coupled with the increasing popularity of high-end sports like cricket, soccer, baseballIt has gained a lot of traction in recent years, which has led to a decent increase in sponsorship for clubs, teams, players.


In addition, increased investment by various sports organizations in marketing and promotion activities has led to increased investment bybetting company large in providing sponsorship for sports teams around the world.thus, the increasing commercialization of sporting events is considered to be a key factor which is expected to have a positive impact on the market growth over the next five years.


with increasing consumer expectations, this leads to constant participation of major market players in the form of partnerships, collaborations, agreements and R&D for launch
multiple platforms to meet rising consumer expectations. METEORBET creates a bridge between sports and defi space to meet these growing expectations and demands.


investors will have the opportunity to stake $ Meteor on METEORBET and are entitled to win an amount of $ Meteor as a prize. to expand the prize money and currency staked supported at METEORBET, partnerships will be created with other projects to bring in
tokens and their communities.


There are three main operations in the system; Deposits, Withdrawals and Transfers. to access features
Meteorbet, the user must first create an account to interact with the system.


1. Click REGISTER on the homepage
2. Fill in the information and send
3. Fill in the code that has been sent to the email address.

The system automatically creates a unique bet wallet for each user.


1. Click the "OPERATION" button on the menu bar
and select "DEPOSIT MONEY" from the drop-down menu emerging.
2. Click deposit.
3.enter the amount and submit.
4. Click "Pay Now".
5.Follow the instructions that appear and send out the meteorite

To the address given. Enter the transaction hash and the number of tokens sent and click the "pay now" button.


Follow the appropriate procedures
operation and select withdraw money / transfer money.


Click "TOURNAMENT" and select
active sports anywhere

For more information about METEORITE FINANCE, click the link below






Bitcointalk username: Sahila Hisyam

BTT profile:;u=2851004

ERC-20 WALLET : 0x28bc805c1f8C7eC525f839c1c450CD7fDC0eb9ba